About Us
La Sonja Jordan Henderson, or “LJ”, as many affectionately call her, is a native of Monroe, Louisiana. She has a deep love and concern for children, fostered by her work as an educator and speech therapist that has spanned the last twenty years. She earned an undergraduate degree in Communicative Disorders from Texas Southern University. Under the tutelage of Dr. Thomas F. Freeman, she received recognition for a 1st Place victory in International Debate in Munich, Germany as well as a second place award for debate in Paris, France. Mrs. Henderson holds two Masters degrees one from Houston Baptist University and the other from California State University Northridge. She is an accomplished business owner and operates two early childhood learning centers. One of the primary reasons was to decrease the need for special education and focus more on early intervention. She believes there is inadequate availability of high quality early childhood programs thus children start school delayed. If they receive early intervention there will be a decreased need for special education services; which will have a positive impact on school ratings.
The little STEM Academy provides an electrifying education for children ages 3 to 7 years old with a focus in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Our little Learners will experience the contributions of STEM on the real-world while mastering reading and writing and engaging in hands-on activities.
The little STEM Academy campus offers two learning pods housing instruction in Mathematics and Science, as well as, in English Language Arts and History. Little learners will rotate between the two pods and participate in engaging activities, led by four instructors every day